on saturday we decided to go to yongsan to buy some gadgets... yongsan is sooooo awesomeeee its like gadget heaven there.... it was an 8 floor building with everything u can think of that has to do with electronics... floors of cameras, computers, laptops, games, hardrives, aircon, those funny electric toilets... like literally... EVERYTHING, i think my guy friends in australia and my mum and dad would look and die cos i was in shock when i entered.
at the top of the building they had this room.. we saw many ppl entering it but didnt know why.. we went and looked anyways and realised it was where they filmed the video game channel! over here they have a few tv channels that just shows ppl playing video games... i always thought to myself who the hell watches this? but many of the guys i've spoken to do.. its basically like warcraft or watever and they just compete.. on tv it shows the actual computer screen on whats going on... i find it funny. anyways so after that we ended up exploring the whole building... moises finally found his phone and bought it for like $800 ... i bought a new hardrive cos my old one is fked.. hector bought a wireless router and elezabeth bought a new camera... at the end of the day we all got what we wnated so that was good =)
after a long day of shopping we decided to stay in the city and party afterwards.. we called a few ppl but we only just saw them the day b4 so not many ppl wanted to come out.. plus we already planend a very big weekend next sat so we decided to keep it small.. grag came out and he brought his friend jin.. jin was korean so he knew where to go. our first place was this club called boom... this place was awesomeee.. u pay $10 at the door and all the drinks are freeeee... yesss its true its all FREEEEEEEEEEEEEE and u can drink as much as u want... that means we all got wasted on $10! after that we headed off to another club cos moises wanted to check out korean girls... we went to this club called tin pan.. it was very packed with heaps of foreigners.. it was an ok club but we all got split up... hector left with some guy that bitch... moises was passed out in the corner.. it was only me greg and jin that were left.
we didnt stay long and left abt 330 ish .. wandered the streets and kinda just sat outside buy the way (convenient store) eating and waiting til 5am for the trains to start so we could go home.. we got home at 730 and crashed... then it was sunday and it was time to do lesson plans and start school on monday -_-
xo m
Yeah Yongsan's an awesome place for electronics, it has everything thats electronics that you can think of.
Yeah if you want to come to Hongdae u'd have to stay the night, cause the train stops at 12,which sucks!
Wow u had a crazy week and an even crazier weekend! LOL
zomgosh i could live in that electronics building ahahaha esp the camera area *drool*
some people would watch the games cos they learn tactics and stuff (but not me lol)
lol @ moises, went to that club to check out korean girls but it was full or foreigners? and then passed out
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