my introduction .. this is how it went..
I am 22 years old and i was born in Vietnam so no I am not Korean, please speak to me in English
my hobby is baking...
today i taught my first class.. it was ok.. not as bad as i expected but not as good as i'd hope for.. the classes here are very big and sometimes it hard to control all 40 students in one class. My first class was the 3rd graders (yr 9), i do not enjoy this class at all... the students just sit there and stare as if they just wanted to get out of there and not learn english... i got them first to watch my slide show of my introduction and then i got them each to introduce themselves to me... they did a good job, however they weren't very confident in speaking so i had to walk around the class to hear what they said.. after that i wasnt sure what they'd learn so i just went through some dialogues in the book with them. they did well however this class went on forever and i was just hoping it would end.
my next class was the 1st graders(year 7) i seriously don't remember being this small when i was in year 7... the 1st graders are always a joy to see, they're always very happy to see me and is always willing to participate in whatever i have for them... we did mine and their introduction and then played games... we ended up playing hangman which was fun... they were better than i thought because they could get most of the words i put up.. i ended up giving them prizes (my souvenirs) after ...
3rd period i had the 2nd graders.. they were also well behaved and werent ignorant like the 3rd graders.. they were able to participate and some of the students were actually very good with their english.... we did a mini activity which they had to say their hobby and ask the other person what their hobby was .. after that we played 2 games of hang man where i gave out more prizes.
so far today has been fun.. its my first day teaching so i expected to not do very good but i did ok... hopefully by next week after i've done all of my introductions, we'll get into teaching.. atleast now i have something to do while at school and not just sitting around chatting all day
xo m
my next class was the 1st graders(year 7) i seriously don't remember being this small when i was in year 7... the 1st graders are always a joy to see, they're always very happy to see me and is always willing to participate in whatever i have for them... we did mine and their introduction and then played games... we ended up playing hangman which was fun... they were better than i thought because they could get most of the words i put up.. i ended up giving them prizes (my souvenirs) after ...
3rd period i had the 2nd graders.. they were also well behaved and werent ignorant like the 3rd graders.. they were able to participate and some of the students were actually very good with their english.... we did a mini activity which they had to say their hobby and ask the other person what their hobby was .. after that we played 2 games of hang man where i gave out more prizes.
so far today has been fun.. its my first day teaching so i expected to not do very good but i did ok... hopefully by next week after i've done all of my introductions, we'll get into teaching.. atleast now i have something to do while at school and not just sitting around chatting all day
xo m
wooo go mish!
That's a really good intro mish!
good morning miss nguyen! hahaha
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